A service for 1000’s of New Zealanders young people to up-skill and find jobs.
Role: Service Designer
Dates: Jan 2018 - June 2019
"It's really great. When I apply for jobs, employers will see I’ve worked with the Warehouse. When you work with the Warehouse, it’s not just one position you’re basically an all-rounder, you can get called anywhere."
Asim, RSIC participant
Accelerator is a digital platform for young people to access on-the-job training programmes and connect with employers in a blended learning environment that incorporates gamification, mentoring and the opportunity to experience work. Accelerator was built in collaboration between The Ministry of Social Development, The Warehouse and YouthHub. As a part of this project I worked with all parties to develop the project to its current state.
I was involved in the project from concept to delivery across the whole service design process. It was one of my first projects and really honed my design and business skills with such complex relationships and stakeholders.
We started with developing and running interviews to understand how the service could run, developing initial proposals, formalising the pilot programme, preparation and assisting run the operation of the programme and development of service design blueprints, surveys.
The results
In the first Accelerator pilot:
21 young people began the programme
three Warehouse stores participated (Porirua, Sylvia Park and Newmarket)
18 young people graduated at the end of the three-week instore experience.
In 2018/19, 265 participants achieved NZQA credits through the programme.
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